5 Mistakes to avoid to achieve Solopreneur business success

Now is the time to enjoy the process of building a better life.

Fabe Mitchell
5 min readMar 2, 2022
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

I don’t believe in becoming the best version of yourself. Social media pushes this narrative that you aren’t good enough. And that you must copy this hack, style, or technique in order to achieve great results.

Yet, those tricks don’t align with who you are. When you don’t reach the success of others' highlight reel you see online — you feel like a failure.

Instead, let’s explore, or really, what I like to say is bring awareness to what is blocking you from actually being successful. The YOU that is a success is there, it's just the current YOU has to begin assuming that role TODAY.

Alright, let’s get to it. 5 Mistakes to avoid on the path to solopreneurship success.

1. Desire — When you desire laziness over growing your business you are ultimately saying your business is always second fiddle.

For example, social media encourages the endless scroll, and Netflix provides endless options for TV entertainment. The path to solopreneur success pushes you to go deep within yourself to understand what you want. And putting our sights on…



Fabe Mitchell

Write about marketing, business, & self improvement alongside your 9-5. www.fabemitchell.com