Here’s to the future of Productivity Coaching

Fabe Mitchell
4 min readSep 27, 2021

Just over a year ago I started this journey as a Productivity Coach.

I have written 2 articles on medium before, however, I did not stick with it(they have since been deleted in shame, guilt, and embarrassment).

At the time, I believe everything I was doing was coming from a space of need instead of adding value(I won’t say believe, hell, I was being needy).

Thus, I did not stick with it at all. But this time, I won’t make bold promises as I did before.

The main point of returning to write on this space is to connect with other like-minded people and help however I can by sharing my voice. I love to talk about self-mastery, business, entrepreneurship, and life.

Over this past year, I have accomplished a lot.

  • Made so many connections through my podcast Self Educated Entrepreneur
  • Help clients get 50% profits in their business and launch successful YouTube channels, among other things.
  • And learned how to cope with the ups and downs of entrepreneurship better.

Have you ever been star-struck? I was after connecting with this guest. In the early days of my podcast, I never thought I’d get a best-selling author. And the way it happened was so casual.

Early last year I had bought a few stock books. They were from Freeman Publications. Well, after reading the books I decided to join their email list. That is how I met Oliver. He is the founder of Freeman Publications.

One day he sent an email out to his list and I responded to it(I don’t remember what email it was). In my signature at the time, I had that I was the host of the Self Educated Entrepreneur podcast. When Oliver responded, he asked me about it and was wondering if I was looking for any guest.

I wrote back in excitement, “Yes I am!” And about a week later I was recording an episode with best-selling author Oliver!

When I first started my coaching business I didn’t call myself a Productivity Coach(I will talk about this in another article how I came to be a productivity coach).

To be candid with you, I didn’t know what type of coach I was. I thought, “Well, I will go with business coach since I am wanting to help people in business?”

Anywho, I got two clients right away when I started.

I won’t go too deep into their stories here…yet…trust me, the challenges, lessons, and celebrations you will hear about them… a lot.

Anywho, one was a dog trainer who had been in business for about a year and a half when she hired me. And the other wanted to start a YouTube channel by being a spiritual guide for people.

Both had similar struggles, but both worked very hard to achieve the desired result that they wanted.

In the end, while I haven’t hit 6 figures yet. I have gained so many skills, knowledge, and networked with many entrepreneurs. And it’s time I put to better use everything I have gained.

At some point in business, we all have to move from consumer to creator right? Or at least not consume as much.

With all of that being said. I appreciate you for reading this. Here is what you can expect moving forward as I post content here.

As a productivity coach, I help side hustlers, and solopreneurs bring clarity to the chaos of building a business so that they can attract clients…not chase.

How do I do that exactly?

Well, through my Daily Active Entrepreneur email newsletter, I provide email insights into how to achieve self-mastery. As I believe that self-mastery is the key to a better business.

Beyond self-mastery, I provide other tips on building a sustainable business. More specifically, one that is not dependant on social media. In fact, a lot of what I teach involves building deeper relationships by building an email list.

So, sit back, relax, and let’s get the good times started. See my very first email below to my list. It’s to show where I started. And hopefully, over time to see my growth as a coach, writer, and connector of people.

My first email from Sept. 2020 :

I can’t express my gratitude enough for all the support and love that we have received this week around the launch of the podcast. This really shows that hard work does pay off.

I have 3 main takeaways from this podcast launch, and I actually think these things can be applied to anything that you may want to do in your business to achieve whatever you want to call success.

👉 Be Proactive. Being proactive about my task for the podcast allowed me to really manage my time. This took away a lot of the overwhelming feeling with so many things to do in order to launch the podcast successfully.

👉Believe in myself. In the first episode, I discuss how to overcome limiting beliefs. I was definitely feeling some of those on launch day and prior to it. In the end, I knew I had to put the content out to help those who were in a position that I was in previously. Actually, if you want to see how I felt on launch day, you can watch the video here.

👉 Took Action. Lastly, and maybe most importantly is I took action. I know that this is what I wanted to do and the path that I wanted to take. So, I took major action to put the content out there. When you take action you are overcoming everything that wants to stop you and you are building that confidence to push through any situation in your business.

So I ask you today, challenge yourself to use these 3 takeaways to level up in your success.



Fabe Mitchell

Write about marketing, business, & self improvement alongside your 9-5.