How to get 500 views in 3 days on YouTube

Fabe Mitchell
4 min readOct 1, 2021
About a year ago I was working with a 1:1 client on launching her YouTube channel.She had tried many times before but was unsuccessful in doing it. All of the processes of recording, editing, and managing the back-end of YouTube often overwhelmed her. While she knew how to do it, it wasn't her zone of genius.What she was very good at was being creative and entertaining. She had lots of ideas and knew exactly how she wanted them to play out. She always had these skills. As a kid, she was a natural-born entertainer.  She would come up with certain characters and act them out. One of her favorites to do was a pimp. With no script, props, or other aid, she could just go into character and put on an improv show to friends, family, or anybody who'd watch really.Another one of the creative things she would do is to get a camera and go around recording conversations with people. She had a knack(still does) for getting people to open up and have a good time while doing it. So, as a child, she was sparking good conversations with strangers while also entertaining them. Amazing traits that would obviously transfer well to YouTube.Thus, why she wanted to develop her focus further to direct her passon. Beyond the tech challenges I mentioned, she also struggled to understand business. She knew she wanted to entertain and help people, but wasn't sure how to apply proper frameworks to create a sustainable business that she enjoys, profits from, and creates a huge impact.Her passion for change though did not disappoint. For 6-weeks she ironed out what her channel was about, who she wanted to serve, and what her goals were.She wanted to focus her channel on the spiritual work that she enjoys doing. She would read tarot cards for their astrology sign. And she wanted people to find clarity on their path in life and love. Giving them the confidence and keys to achieve the best possible successful outcomes.The pre-launch plan of the YouTube channel went like this:1. Know who your audience is.2. Crate a content planning scheulde3. Find brand colors and image4. Create social media profiles for brand5. Begin promoting and teasing the YouTube channel prior to videos releasing. 6. Record and edit the first 12 videos(for all the astrology signs).Within our last week together she launched her YouTube channel and she had early success. She picked up over 50 followers and had almost 500 views in just 3 days.She immediately found an audience that resonated with her work. And she did this with no paid ads. All organic traffic.Fact is, she ignored a lot of prep work and deep understanding of her auidence when she tried to launch previously. The strength that she got from knowing her "why" better guided her in pushing through. To be candid, during the pre-launch stage there was almost a point that he YouTube channel did not happen. She went on a vacation during our 6-week time period and got extremely off track. Upon returning she lost the motivation to create ideas, record, or continue with the business idea period. The why of her business wasn't intrinsically strong enough. Meaning she got tied to the financial gain only and not the future she wanted to create for her daughter.After the deep work, she connected more as a single mother wanting to create a better future for her daughter. To show her how she can overcome the challenges that life throws at you. Her plan for YouTube went exactly like this(after launch):1. She would record videos on the third to last Saturday of the month for the coming months astrology sign.2. The next day, Sunday, she would edit and prepare all we videos for the follow month. 3. She chose to post to social media 3 times a week. Her post would consist of on brand post around tarot, astrology, and spiritual guidance. 4. While awaiting the release of the videos, she would tease the content inside the videos as well. 5. When the content released, she would go back to all her social channels letting everybody know that this months videos are live for your tarot reading. And all this happened after being clear on her why, knowing who she will serve, and doing great prep work prior to launch. I love this part of the business. And I help those create so that they can go help.And that is why I created the Self Educated Entrepreneur Membership. To create more of an impact with more people.If you are looking to learn how you can achieve self-mastery and a successful, profitable, and impactful business, then join the Self Educated Entrepreneur Membership. Inside it, you get 30+ hours of business-building content. Including some behind-the-scenes views of some of my best interviews.Link here to check it out -



Fabe Mitchell

Write about marketing, business, & self improvement alongside your 9-5.