It’s time to play the game

Part one in leveraging relationships for business growth

Fabe Mitchell
3 min readMar 2, 2023
Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

Life, business & many aspects outside the two of your life are like a game.

Not like a joke. But more so like an RPG(Role Playing Game). In RPGs, the main character most time is the hero. Generally against the will of the protagonist, you have to set out on a mission to save the world from a great evil.

You don’t face the big boss in the beginning though otherwise, you’d get your butt kicked. You go through many levels, and missions, and learn different types of abilities that will help you in the final fight.

Along the way, you learn different fighting styles and obtain special weapons to aid you. Some you like, some you don’t. But the point is that you find a strategy to defeat each foe.

Like you use strategy to beat games in the same way you’ll use strategy to obtain more customers, higher status in your business, and more money flowing into your bank account.

Take for example the strategy I have recently been using at all the networking events I have been to.

People give in-person networking events a bad name. This makes since when you consider that most people use them as hunting grounds for possible clients. They’re really supposed to be used as…



Fabe Mitchell

Write about marketing, business, & self improvement alongside your 9-5.