Why obese people can’t catch a break

I feel exclusively able to speak on this topic considering I once was over 400 lbs.

Fabe Mitchell
2 min readFeb 27, 2023
Photo by Henley Design Studio on Unsplash

I came across an article the other day that said that obesity has more to do with genetics than anything. Dr. Fatima alluded to the fact that even with diet and exercise there is nothing you can do to lose those extra pounds.

Interestingly enough the Dr doesn’t quote any studies or provide researchable data but just shares that if you’re obese you could go to the gym, change your eating habits, and live a healthier lifestyle, but it won’t matter in the end. It’ll all be for nothing because your genes were predetermined that you’ll be fat.

The article explained that if your parents are obese then you’ll have a 50 to 85% chance to be obese yourself.

Make sense. Not necessarily genetics though. If your parents have bad eating habits, it’s most likely that the kids will too since the parents provide all the nutrition.

This Dr has now joined the Biden administration as well.

The fact that someone well-known in the medical space now wants to move accountability away from what people put in their mouths to genetics is pretty scary.



Fabe Mitchell

Write about marketing, business, & self improvement alongside your 9-5. www.fabemitchell.com